

The William Sansum Diabetes Center has been at the forefront of helping to improve the lives of people living with diabetes since its creation in 1944. With an established world class reputation for innovation in the field of artificial pancreas and diabetes in pregnancy, the Center has ambitious plans to broaden its area of technological expertise to positively impact multiple areas to allow people living with the condition to spend less time thinking about diabetes but maintaining great control.

We are continuing to develop new and innovative approaches to the education of people with diabetes and their families and providers of healthcare in partnership with academic institutions, specialist diabetes centers and primary care colleagues. The recent creation of a consortium between The Center and University of California, Santa Barbara campus is especially exciting and forward-thinking as it brings opportunities for fruitful  collaborations with cutting-edge technology industries within and outside of healthcare.


Trial Net Natural History Study (TN-01)

Screening close relatives of those with Type 1 diabetes for risk factors for developing type 1 diabetes themselves.



Diabetes: Artificial Pancreas Research


Although there are many great technologies available for people with diabetes, evidence shows that it remains a difficult challenge to achieve personal goals, especially avoiding low glucose levels.

The William Sansum Diabetes Center, in partnership with the University of California, Santa Barbara, has been at the forefront of the development of artificial pancreas technology. Under the leadership of Dr. Jordan Pinsker, we are currently running A series of studies evaluating fully automated insulin delivery systems in people with type 1 diabetes. These studies involve a computer platform coordinating information from a continuous glucose sensor and an insulin pump. Areas of focus for our current artificial pancreas trials include exercise, meal planning and announcement, and comparison of different controller algorithms. In addition, we are currently beginning home trials of artificial pancreas technology.

One recent accomplishment was recognition by JDRF of our progress in the artificial pancreas transitioning to at-home testing. Our goals continue to contribute to their strategic plan and vision of a world without type 1 diabetes.


Artificial Pancreas Project

A series of studies evaluating fully automated insulin delivery systems in people with type 1 diabetes. Currently active studies include:

MPC Versus PID for Closed Loop Insulin Delivery
(Detailed Study Information)

Early Feasibility Study of Zone-MPC and HMS With DiAs in the Outpatient Setting (DP3)
(Detailed Study Information)

Pilot Study 3 of Outpatient Control-to-Range: Safety and Efficacy With Day-and-Night In-Home Use (CTR3)
(Detailed Study Information)

Feasibility Study Using Run-to-Run Control to Optimize Continuous Glucose Sensor Bias
(Detailed Study Information)


Prgnancy and Diabetes


1 in 6 pregnancies complicated by diabetes put both mom and baby at risk of serious complications including premature births, preeclampsia, and still birth. Additionally, the child will have a higher risk of diabetes as they grow older.

Pregnancy and diabetes presents unique challenges. Research and innovation in this special area tends to lag behind other diabetes research. We know that both mother and baby do much better if their blood sugars are as normal as safely possible, but we are still learning the best way to achieve these goals. There might be other factors at play that also affect mother and baby’s health, such as blood pressure or lipids. Our mission within the pregnancy and diabetes program is to identify and establish evidence for innovative ways to optimize women’s health during pregnancy complicated by diabetes for the wellbeing of both mother and child.



A study to evaluate continuous glucose monitoring in women with type 1 diabetes who are planning a pregnancy or who are in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Contact: Donna Frase; 805-682-7640 ext 255

To be considered for the following trial, please complete a Clinical Trials Inquiry Form.


Apidra in GDM Pregnancy Trial

A randomized study for women diagnosed with gestational diabetes to evaluate the safety and efficacy of rapid acting (Apidra) insulin (glulisine) as compared to Humalog insulin (lispro).

Contact: Donna Frase; 805-682-7640 ext 255


Patient with Diabetes exercising


People living with diabetes face a daunting task as they need to control blood glucose levels as close to normal while at the same time avoid low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia). At the William Sansum Diabetes Center we recognize that living with diabetes is not easy as daily life events (we call these Diabetes Moments) can challenge the best of us in our ability to maintain control and avoid low blood glucose levels. Diabetes Moments include

  • Exercise, especially if there are fluctuations in duration and intensity.
  • Travel and type 1 diabetes, especially for long-haul journeys.
  • Leaving home, university or college life.
  • Shift-work and employment.
  • Transitioning with diabetes from childhood to adulthood.

Our aim is to create and develop “Diabetes Moments of Discovery”. This will consist of a library of events, such as those listed above, where people living with diabetes and their healthcare providers can access in real-time:

  • Information on the potential impact of each Moment on an individual’s ability to maintain good control of blood glucose levels while avoiding hypoglycemia.
  • Where appropriate, on-line “calculators” for each of the Moments to include personalized advice on the timing and frequency of glucose monitoring and the insulin use.
  • An opportunity to share their experiences of each Moment with friends, families and others with type 1 diabetes.



Photo of an insulin pump glucose sensor


Over the years we have been very active in helping the diabetes industries develop and test new treatments and devices, making sure that they are of real value to people with diabetes. Some examples have included insulin pump therapy, bolus calculators for people using multiple daily injections of insulin, continuous glucose monitoring devices (CGM) and, very recently, inhaled insulin. We are also continuingly reaching out to find new treatment and technologies that we can help get into the hands of people with diabetes by helping companies and innovators through the regulatory pathways required by the FDA.

Current Studies


A medical research study with Proteus DiscoverTM that may help improve high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

All clinical trials are conducted at our site in Santa Barbara, California. To participate, you will need to come to our site in person. Eligibility for a clinical trial is determined by the study investigator and/or research coordinator. All research is approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). Details of many studies can be found on